Regularly, quotes or events inspire me small thoughts on our daily life and lead me to reflect on the way we act or the way we perceive the world. I’ve decided to share these little thoughts with you in this section, hoping that they will in turn inspire you and accompany you a little further on your journey.

The Waffle of Love
It is impossible to love evryone and to loved by everyone no matter how hard we try...

Rewriting our Story
Are we that desperate a people that we'd rather erase our past than create a gorgeous future ?

The "I have to" Book of Law
Do you know the "I have to" Book of Law ?

The Civilization
What are the criteria to know if we are still civilized people? If not, what can we do better?

The Other One
Why do we fear so much other human beings just because they are different from us?

Endorsing full responsability
Why do we fear so much to do things the wrong way? And what would really happen if we did?

You need guidance ?
I am here for you.